Professional Jurisdiction in the Digital Age: How Predictive Algorithms Reshape Professional Work
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Professional Jurisdiction in the Digital Age: How Predictive Algorithms Reshape Professional Work
Work, Expertise, Technology, Organization (WETO) seminar:
“Professional Jurisdiction in the Digital Age:
How Predictive Algorithms Reshape Professional Work”
Date June 13, 2024 from.14.00 -16.00
Location Copenhagen Business School, Kilevej 14 A, 2000 Frederiksberg in Room K4.74
Register here before June 7, 2024
We invite you to attend a WETO seminar that examines the evolving role of predictive algorithms in professional work and the implications for professional jurisdictions and control in organizational settings. The seminar will be moderated by Kirstine Zinck Pedersen, Associate Professor at the Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School.
"Building Jurisdiction on the Commons: Workplace Jurisdiction Creation in the Age of Digital Technologies"
Presenter: Bomi Kim, Assistant Professor, House of Innovation, Stockholm School of Economics
The study provides an ethnographic analysis of how a newly formed medical image processing group creates workplace jurisdiction by interlacing two distinct orientations to data: how analytical technologies by-design allow users to plumb the depths of data versus how professionals interact with data in an instrumental manner to build their inference. Kim's research demonstrates how workplace jurisdictions are created and sustained in digital work settings where data, technologies, and increasingly, knowledge are shared across occupational groups.
"Preventing Futures: Limits of Professional Control in Insurers’ Use of Predictive Algorithms"
Presenters: Alexander Gamerdinger, PhD Fellow, Copenhagen Business School & Prins Marcus Valiant Lantz, Postdoc, Roskilde University
The study examines how data scientists at a disability insurance company utilize predictive algorithms to prevent future injuries through individualized risk assessments. Drawing on an 11-month ethnographic study at a Danish insurance company, the authors show how data professionals delegate parts of their professional judgement to semi-autonomous algorithms in order to maintain control over their professional jurisdiction. The research highlights how predictive technology is redefining professional work and transforming traditional notions of risk and insurance.